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French Country Mouldings
French Country mouldings are similar to their French City moulding counterparts but the city-style often leans into extravagance, while French Country moldings use rustic textures and natural elements.
These features are used to add a grounded and weighted style to the architecture that conveys security and comfort. Frech country mouldings styles are versatile because they can be used in a smaller home to add an authentic cottage feel to the interior as well as larger homes for an understated but magisterial effect.
French Country Large Beam Wrap
Hardwood beam wraps allow you to preserve the exposed style of your ceiling support beams while unifying them stylistically. Support beams may have noticeable differences or inconsistencies that beam wraps allow you to address while preserving the natural style of exposed wood.
Our large French Country beam wrap design incorporates the soft curves that the French Country style is known for.
French Country Small Beam Wrap
- S4S [3/4 x 3-1/2]
Our small French Country beam wrap functions the same way as our large beam wrap but this design is simplified for an underemphasized style that pulls beauty from simplicity and consistency.
French Country Casing
- 1157 [1-1/8 x 3]
Our French Country casings use a swelling curve to give a soft-edge style to the doors and windows of your home.
French Country Plinth Block
- 8549 [1-3/16 x 3-3/16]
One of the simplest elements of the style, French Country plinth block is subdued and meant to function in the background, helping to join the door casing and baseboard seamlessly throughout a room.
French Country Baseboard
French Country baseboard is made by combining two separate pieces of baseboard into one unified design. Once assembled this baseboard features gentle curves at the top and bottom of the design.
French Country Window Sill
The French Country windowsill utilizes a simple soft-edge windowsill accented by the same swelling curve design used in the French Country casing style.
French Country Trim Interior Design
French Country mouldings and trim transform the hard angle lines of your ceilings, floors, and passageways of your home with smooth curves that add a sense of comfort and coziness to your interior design.
Specified Length Fee: For lengths specified beyond in-stock material, there is a 10% upcharge compared to random length prices for items up to 12 feet. Extended lengths from 13' to 16' receive a 20% upcharge.